SEO is always evolving as search engines like Google make algorithm updates. These days, artificial intelligence is playing a bigger role in how we do SEO. All sorts of new AI-powered tools have been popping up that can help us optimize our websites and campaigns. 

As an SEO professional, it helps to understand how to use AI to our advantage. If you don’t start leveraging these new technologies, you risk falling behind in the ever-changing search engine world.

But don’t worry. AI is here to help make certain SEO tasks much easier for you.

In this article, you’ll learn about some of the hottest ways you can start applying AI to your SEO strategy. By the end, you’ll also have a good idea of the AI tools available and how to integrate them into your workflow.

Related: Best Link Building Tools (AI-powered Automation)

How to Utilize AI Tools for SEO

Below are the steps and ways to use AI SEO tools to simplify optimization tasks and rank faster with less work.

1. Choose the Right AI SEO Tool

The first thing we need to do is pick the right AI SEO tools to work with. We know there are a ton of options out there nowadays, so it can feel a little overwhelming to decide what to use. 

Our best advice is to start by assessing your specific SEO needs and budget. Think about what tasks you most want to automate.

Is it keyword research, content generation, etc.? Then search online for tools that specialize and excel in those areas.

Other than that, the best idea can be to pick an all-in-one AI content optimizer that does everything for you. These tools can assist in planning, doing keyword research, generating SEO-friendly content, and much more in one place!

You also need to consider pricing. Some tools have free versions with limited features, while others are only available through a paid subscription. Figure out what you can reasonably afford to invest each month. 

It’s also a good idea to read reviews from other SEOs who have used different platforms. This will help you identify which products really deliver on their promises. Pay attention to brands that offer good customer support too in case you run into any issues.

Once you have a few potential options in mind, try out the free trials if available. Get hands-on experience with the interface and features before committing. It takes some experimenting, but choosing quality AI tools upfront will save you tons of time down the road.

2. Generate Content Ideas

On to the next way you can use AI — getting fresh content ideas! A lot of AI SEO tools nowadays have AI features that analyze your site and competitor content to spit out new topic suggestions. Many AI writing assistants and AI chatbots can also help you find new content ideas for your blog or website.

These types of AI content generators are super handy when you’re feeling uninspired. Just feed it your niche and keyword targets, and it will surface potential angles you may not have thought of. The ideas it comes up with can really get those content wheels turning again.

Here’s a pro tip though — unless it’s a high-quality AI SEO tool like RankIQ (which uses real-time SERP data), don’t just blindly publish every idea that a tool such as ChatGPT (which can be random) spits out. AI is great for quantity, but you still need quality.

We like to take the topics it suggests and do additional research to narrow them down. Make sure any ideas you pursue are ones you feel you can cover thoroughly and provide real value to readers. 

Thorough, in-depth content is still king for ranking purposes. It shows that you’re knowledgeable and thus boosts your topical authority in a given subject.

Read also: How to Use AI to Improve Your Website

3. Do Keyword Research

Keyword research is another area where AI tools can really save you time. Manually researching keywords can get tedious, but some great tools let you use AI to do most of the heavy lifting.

One thing about AI keyword tools is how they analyze massive amounts of search data that would be impossible for any one person to sift through alone. They can spot up-and-coming, low-competition keywords that might not be on your radar. 

You would start by plugging your main target keywords into the tool to get related ideas and search volume stats. Again, all-in-one SEO tools are great to use here if you want to later place those keywords automatically in your content (although specialized AI keyword research tools are more thorough and detailed).

You can then let the AI do a deep dive to surface other long-tail keywords and phrases to consider. The result is a huge list of new opportunities to pursue in your content and campaigns.

4. Create Outlines

Using AI to generate article outlines is another time-saver you’ll definitely want to check out. A lot of the all-in-one AI SEO tools nowadays have this capability.

What’s really cool is that some can actually analyze the most current SERP data for your target keywords to see how the top-ranking content is structured. Then they’ll present you with a suggested outline, including headings, subheadings, and even potential FAQs to cover.

This gives you a running start on creating content that’s optimized for the best chance of ranking. By mirroring what’s already working for competitors, you can fast-track your way up the SERPs.

Of course, don’t feel locked into the outline it provides verbatim. You’re free to use the AI’s suggestions as inspiration, then tweak it to my own style and voice.

But it’s a huge help to have a draft outline created for you based on real search data. From there, expanding each point with your own unique content is a breeze. And you’ll have more confidence you’re covering all the bases readers and Google are looking for.

5. Write and Perform Keyword Placement

When it comes to writing content, one of the trickiest parts can be strategically incorporating your target keywords throughout without it sounding forced or unnatural. That’s where AI tools come in really handy.

A lot of the all-in-one AI SEO platforms nowadays have writing abilities and can craft entire articles with the required keywords in the right places. For existing content, they’re helpful as well.

Simply upload or paste the text into their editor so they can analyze it and provide suggestions on where and how to optimize keywords within the text. Some will even automatically rewrite specific sections by swapping in related keywords, synonyms, and semantic phrases related to the main keyword you provided.

Manually going back and peppering in keywords can disrupt your writing flow. But letting AI handle the optimization in the background means you can focus on crafting engaging content without worrying as much about keyword density or placement.

The tools are also smart enough to avoid over-optimization, so your content will still sound natural to readers. All while better positioning it in the eyes of search engines.

6. Craft SEO Titles and Meta Descriptions

When it comes to search engine optimization, crafting compelling titles and meta descriptions is so important. These are often the first impressions searchers have of your content. But coming up with fresh angles and enticing snippets for every piece of content can get exhausting pretty quickly.

Luckily, AI is here to lend a helping hand. Many all-in-one SEO platforms now have features that analyze your content and generate optimized title and description suggestions automatically.

The tools understand what kind of language and framing tends to perform best in the SERPs. They can spin your content into catchy titles that stop people in their tracks. And thoughtfully crafted descriptions that sell searchers on clicking through.

Best of all, the AI gets smarter over time. The more you use the features, the better it understands your brand’s voice and the types of headlines and snippets that tend to convert for your particular niche.

Wrapping It Up

AI has truly transformed how you can optimize content for search engines. Gone are the days of tedious writing, manual keyword placement, and struggles to come up with compelling titles and descriptions for every piece.

Rather than struggling alone, let the AI be your writing partner. It handles the heavy lifting so you can focus on more important tasks. And feel confident your pages are standing out in search with suitable keywords, comprehensive content, and magnetic metadata.

AI analyses your text, understands what works best structurally and linguistically, and makes targeted suggestions to enhance each element for search. All while ensuring your unique voice and brand shine through.

The time savings really add up. And with AI continuously learning from your previous successes, results continue improving over time without much extra effort on your part.

So whether it’s getting a head start on outlines, letting AI optimize keywords seamlessly, or having enticing metadata ideas crafted autonomously, I highly recommend checking out these AI-powered features.

Your content – and search rankings – will benefit greatly. And that means more qualified readers and clients for your business. So go ahead and empower your SEO with artificial intelligence’s helping hand!

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