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What Is Watermelon.ai?

Watermelon.ai is a tool for businesses to create their personalized chatbots using only their information. It’s simple how it works.

Watermelon has this feature that allows you to upload all your company’s content like website pages, documents, support tickets, you name it. Then it scans through all that material to get familiar with your business.

Once it understands what your company is all about, you can use Watermelon to build a smart chatbot tailored specifically to your brand. This chatbot will be able to answer customer questions just like a human representative.

But since it learned everything from your data, you know the responses will be accurate and consistent with what your business wants people to hear. Also, you can deploy this chatbot anywhere.

It can be on your website, social media pages, and messaging apps. And Watermelon makes it simple to connect the chatbot to your other tools for customer service, sales, recruiting, and so on using their API. 

Plus they give you all these analytics so you can constantly improve the bot’s performance over time. All in all, it takes the workload off your team by handling basic questions itself.



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